Flooded Meadows at Old Amersham

Thursday, September 12, 2024

8th September : Tree Pipit

Surprised to find this Tree Pipit at Coombe Hill this morning, Stewart spotted it as it flew up into a tree briefly before continuing it's journey south, nearby was a Spotted Flycatcher, along with a couple of Chiffchaffs & a Blackcap.


Image : Copyright © Don Stone.

Tuesday, September 10, 2024

6th September : Grebes brighten the Gloom.

A horrible damp drizzle start to the day, not ideal conditions for bird watching, but went down to the river Chess anyway, glad I did as the Little Grebe family but on a good show in the drizzle, strangely there was only one adult looking after the four youngsters.


On high alert as a group of Mallards get to close, on several occasions the Mallards had a go at the youngsters.

Getting a bit Frothy.

A Kingfisher flashed passed the Heron & Little Egret as the stood on guard. 


Two broods of Tufted Ducks

Mute Swan is often resting on the bank.

Likewise a Cormorant nearly always sits on this tree.

Ring necked Parakeet can usually be heard "squawking" over head.

On the journey home I made a brief stop at one of the sources of the river where I found this female Sparrowhawk blocking the road.

This Kestrel was perched in a nearby tree keeping a watchful eye out for it's lunch.

Images : Copyright © Don Stone.

Tuesday, September 3, 2024

29th August : Coombe Hill. 

Found my first Brown Argus today on the foot path along the south west slope.

Above the slope in a chilly south westerly breeze two Kestrels patrolled back & forth, as did a Buzzard.


This is 1 of 4 Chiffchaffs which were fly catching from a hawthorn bush in amongst the gorse, amazingly the bush also held 2 Whitethroats & 2 Blackcaps.

As I made my way back to the car a Hobby flew over head & on into the distance.

Images : Copyright © Don Stone.

Friday, August 30, 2024

24th August : Goldfinches Again.

Goldfinches are still visiting the garden.


Images : Copyright © Don Stone.

Wednesday, August 28, 2024

23rd August : Kestrel.

Quick visit this morning to the scrubby field at Great Missenden, a charm of Goldfinches were feeding on the Thistles, as this Kestrel hunted from the over head wires & hovered on the strong wind.

Images : Copyright © Don Stone.

Saturday, August 24, 2024

21st August : Goldfinch.

With the Knapweed flowers in the garden now past their best, Goldfinches are feeding daily on the seed heads, with several juveniles joining the adults as they acrobatically extract the seeds with their pointed bills.

Images : Copyright © Don Stone.

Thursday, August 22, 2024

19th August : Latimer, Herons & Little Grebe.

I had to visit  Ley Hill earlyish in the morning, so once I'd finished there I circled round stopping at one of my favourite spots on the River Chess at Latimer. Making my way down to the river a juvenile Cormorant sat preening in a tree.

As I arrived at the bridge over looking Neptune Falls a Grey Heron stood motionless on the foot bridge hand rail.

While I photographed the Heron a Little Egret sneaked in unnoticed & began preening.

In the river below the falls a Little Grebe was also preening in-between bouts of  diving as it patrolled the water from the bridge to the falls, at one point even briefly running across an open area.


Ever present Mute Swans.

View down stream from the bridge.

Images : Copyright © Don Stone.