Flooded Meadows at Old Amersham

Thursday, September 12, 2024

8th September : Tree Pipit

Surprised to find this Tree Pipit at Coombe Hill this morning, Stewart spotted it as it flew up into a tree briefly before continuing it's journey south, nearby was a Spotted Flycatcher, along with a couple of Chiffchaffs & a Blackcap.


Image : Copyright © Don Stone.

Tuesday, September 10, 2024

6th September : Grebes brighten the Gloom.

A horrible damp drizzle start to the day, not ideal conditions for bird watching, but went down to the river Chess anyway, glad I did as the Little Grebe family but on a good show in the drizzle, strangely there was only one adult looking after the four youngsters.


On high alert as a group of Mallards get to close, on several occasions the Mallards had a go at the youngsters.

Getting a bit Frothy.

A Kingfisher flashed passed the Heron & Little Egret as the stood on guard. 


Two broods of Tufted Ducks

Mute Swan is often resting on the bank.

Likewise a Cormorant nearly always sits on this tree.

Ring necked Parakeet can usually be heard "squawking" over head.

On the journey home I made a brief stop at one of the sources of the river where I found this female Sparrowhawk blocking the road.

This Kestrel was perched in a nearby tree keeping a watchful eye out for it's lunch.

Images : Copyright © Don Stone.

Tuesday, September 3, 2024

29th August : Coombe Hill. 

Found my first Brown Argus today on the foot path along the south west slope.

Above the slope in a chilly south westerly breeze two Kestrels patrolled back & forth, as did a Buzzard.


This is 1 of 4 Chiffchaffs which were fly catching from a hawthorn bush in amongst the gorse, amazingly the bush also held 2 Whitethroats & 2 Blackcaps.

As I made my way back to the car a Hobby flew over head & on into the distance.

Images : Copyright © Don Stone.