Flooded Meadows at Old Amersham

Sunday, August 2, 2020

20th - 22nd July.

20th July noticed solitary leaf-cutter bees using more chambers in my new bee hotel, saw comet Neowise, late and luckily from the garden. Good views through the binoculars.
Up and out early  on the 21st and sitting quietly a fox cub came close for a while. sat and scratched and then slowly walked off.
After breakfast went to Pulpit Hill and out on Grangelands  chalkhill blue butterflies  were everywhere, must have picked a good day. Mainly males and many still drying their wing after emerging, one walked onto my finger. Found several paired pairs but no single females.
Good numbers of peacock butterflies on the tall marsh thistles in a wet area in the woods there and found just one silver-washed fritillary very mobile searching for bramble flowers. After lunch a short walk from home to check on the violet helleborines and  just beginning to flower. Passed a herd of suckler beef cows and their calves, tightly resting together, tails swinging trying to keep the flies at bay.
Wednesday 22nd a morning walk from The Lee towards Swan Bottom and beyond, found more violet helleborines and again just beginning to flower and also growing by the side of the road. Field scabious growing well and looking perfect along the side of the footpath.
Came across a lone female common blue on the path and further on a holly blue, also on the ground picking up minerals from the soil I guess.
Later at home, heard and saw briefly newly fledged wrens around the garden, not sure how many or where they came from but do have wrens in the garden regularly. Stewart.
Images Copyright : Stewart Dennis.

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