Flooded Meadows at Old Amersham

Saturday, July 27, 2024

19th July : Foxes delight.

I walked alongside the river Chess from near the centre of Chesham this morning, always a pleasant walk even in the town starting from Meades Water Garden.

A family of Moorhens were feeding behind the parking bays.


The field where Lapwings bred up until last year is now looking good for passage Wheatears & Chats.

One of the sources of the river Chess, in past years this has been dry, but following the wet Winter/Spring it's good to see it flowing well in the Pednor Valley.

As I walked along I could hear a Red Kite constantly calling, I eventually spied it at the top of a tree.

Cautiously walking a bit further I gained a clearer view.

Then it was off.

A few more steps along the road where I happened to look through a gap in the hedge just in time to see a Fox disappear into the vegetation. 

I hung around a bit hoping it would reappear, which it did along with two more chasing each other through the vegetation, presumably a family group, unfortunately I was only able to photograph them singularly.


Images : Copyright © Don Stone.

Friday, July 26, 2024

16th July : House Martins.

 Another brood of House Matins fledged today, here's one resting on the roof.

Images : Copyright © Don Stone.

Wednesday, July 24, 2024

16th July : Scarlet Tiger Moth.

As I sat eating my meal at about 6pm, I gazed out of the window & was surprised to see this Scarlet Tiger Moth. On going out to take this photo I was even more surprised to find two in the Laurel hedge.

Image : Copyright © Don Stone.

Tuesday, July 23, 2024

16th July : Coombe Hill.

This Buzzard hung on the breeze near the monument.




Marbled White.



Lady's Bedstraw.


One of several Linnets I encountered.

As I wandered along a path I spooked this young Roe Deer which was laid up in some dense Gorse, I don't know who was shocked the most the Deer or myself.

Images : Copyright © Don Stone.

Friday, July 19, 2024

14th July : Old Amersham Flood Meadows.

Visited here the previous Sunday with Stewart, when we found 3 Little ringed Plovers & a Common Sandpiper, along with Blackcap, Linnets, Yellowhammer, Whitethroat, Swallow, Little Egret & 22 Swifts overhead.
This Sunday 2 Little ringed Plovers were still out on the flooded field, feeding in exactly the same spot, further down the the field a Lapwing flew up when spooked by a walker, a Hobby flew up the valley, 2 Reed Buntings called from vantage points alongside the river, as juvenile Goldfinches were attended by their parents.

Distant Little ringed Plover with Black headed Gulls.

One of two male Reed Buntings.

This Grey Heron remained in the same position for at least an hour as I made my way around the site.

Following all the wet weather during the Winter & Spring the river Misbourne breached it's banks here several months ago, forming this wetland habitat, but you have to feel sorry for the farmer as he's lost the chance to grow any crops here for this year or maybe even longer... who knows, as can be seen in the photo top soil has been washed away making the field look like a river bed, will he be entitled to any compensation I wonder.

Images : Copyright © Don Stone.