Flooded Meadows at Old Amersham

Thursday, August 22, 2024

19th August : Latimer, Herons & Little Grebe.

I had to visit  Ley Hill earlyish in the morning, so once I'd finished there I circled round stopping at one of my favourite spots on the River Chess at Latimer. Making my way down to the river a juvenile Cormorant sat preening in a tree.

As I arrived at the bridge over looking Neptune Falls a Grey Heron stood motionless on the foot bridge hand rail.

While I photographed the Heron a Little Egret sneaked in unnoticed & began preening.

In the river below the falls a Little Grebe was also preening in-between bouts of  diving as it patrolled the water from the bridge to the falls, at one point even briefly running across an open area.


Ever present Mute Swans.

View down stream from the bridge.

Images : Copyright © Don Stone.

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