Flooded Meadows at Old Amersham

Sunday, July 5, 2020

26th & 28th June.

Another hot day forecast 30c. Chiffchaff came in close for an early bath.

An indoor day for me, too hot, but an evening walk from home found an immature black-tailed skimmer and seen where this species is seen commonly found, resting on bare ground and on this occasion, the footpath.
Saturday 27th and the weather has changed, much cooler, wet and windy. A male sparrowhawk coming into  the garden hunting more regularly now, sending all the blue and great tits diving for cover. A vole appears on the deserted feeders.
Found an empty dragonfly larvae case on the mini bulrush,Typha minima, growing in the pond.
Sunday 28th sparrowhawk hunting the garden maybe ten times today, must have young nearby. In the evening when looking at the empty dragonfly larvae case saw another larvae beginning to crawl out of the water, exciting stuff.
Images Copyright : Stewart Dennis.

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