Flooded Meadows at Old Amersham

Sunday, July 19, 2020

7th - 11th July.

7th July Mistle thrush enjoying the wild cherries growing next door along with blackbirds, wood pigeons, crows, often watched blue tits tucking in as well. Foxes no doubt enjoying the fallen ones.
Later walked around Wilstone reservoir, a pair of great crested grebe close to the bank with presumably just one remaining chick looking well fed.
Good numbers of young coot at the waters edge.
Passed young herons on way to hide, where large numbers of adult coots  were on the spit out in-front and also in the sun black-tailed skimmers, joined by an immature ruddy darter.
Leaving the hide good numbers of butterflies in the meadows as we continued on around. Canada and greylag geese tightly grazing the path along the jetty side. Back home noticed a solitary leaf cutter busy sealing up a chamber in my new bee hotel.
Early on the  8th a male sparrowhawk flew in and took a young great tit.
After lunch a hummingbird hawk moth fed on the lavender.
Red admiral on the buddleia.
A morning walk on the 11th in local woods found good numbers of violet helleborines, a long lived orchid and multi-stemmed plants are thought to be hundreds of years old.
An evening walk experiencing the sun go down along with meadow brown butterflies settling down for the night.
Images Copyright : Stewart Dennis.

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