Flooded Meadows at Old Amersham

Thursday, May 9, 2024

7th May : Stoke Common

With the weather warming up nicely now seemed to be a good time for Stewart & myself to go out on a reptile wander at Stoke Common. On arriving several Marsh Frogs could be heard from the rubbish filled roadside ditch, mattresses, bags & bottles, everything was in that ditch, but the Frogs were quite content croaking away as they launched themselves from the debris into the water with a bloop. 

As we made our way across the common, numerous Whitethroats sang out from the bushes possibly 8 in total.

Water water everywhere.

Marsh Frogs continued to accompany us with their singing; though we didn't see any more, this Slow worm was the only one we found.

Stewart's sharp eye's spotted this Common Lizard warming up on a log, later we had a fleeting glimpse of another as it scurred out of the bracken & across a path.

The remains of a Long-tailed Tit nest.


Images Copyright : Don Stone.

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