Flooded Meadows at Old Amersham

Saturday, May 11, 2024

 8th May : Aston Clinton Ragpits 

I have often visited these old disused chalk pits when the Orchids have been in flower in June. Today I had to visit Tring, so called in on my way back home. Some how I managed to spend over two hours at this small reserve.

It being to early for the Orchids, I was hoping to see a few Warbler species, didn't actually see any, but did hear both Chiffchaff & Blackcap singing,  along with a Song Thrush that greeted me on arrival.

Arriving at 9-15, the grass was still damp under the shade of the trees, several Roman Snails were still active, slowly sliding through the grass, with other unidentified snail species.

Anti nibble guards are in place on the Orchids.

Several Slow worms were present.

Tawny Owl, Blackbird, Robin, Coal Tit, Wren, Blue Tit were also present, along with a singing Firecrest which I was unable to locate. Brimstone & Peacock butterflies were on the wing.
All in all an enjoyable couple of hours.


Images copyright : Don Stone.

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