Flooded Meadows at Old Amersham

Saturday, August 3, 2019

1st August..... Wilstone Reservoir.

An afternoon out around BBOWT College Lake and Wilstone Reservoir. Found a lack of birds at College Lake but did see goldfinches busily feeding on thistle seed heads and a female blackcap feeding on guelder rose berries.  As the sun come out the temperature rose  along with the numbers of butterflies and damselflies:
Second generation brown argus.
Common blue.
Next generation of common blue damselflies in the pipeline.

Moved on to Wilstone around 3pm.

Found good numbers of lapwings on the spit in front of the hide, along with the tiny (compared to the mute swan) common sandpiper.
Green sandpiper.
One common tern, lesser black backed and a few black-headed gulls.
Turned out a lovely day as we walked back to the car watching great crested grebe fishing close to the path.

                                                         Images Copyright : Stewart Dennis.

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