Flooded Meadows at Old Amersham

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

24th August...... Goldfinches & Webs.

This past week a family group of Goldfinches have been in the garden feeding on the seed heads of the fading Knapweed.

I've lost count of the number of Painted Lady butterflies I have seen this year, with them all evading the camera, 'til I managed to grab this record shot of an individual on the Michaelmas Daisies.

It's the time of year when, if you're out & about early enough the Spiders handy work is highlighted by the combination of the rising sun & the early morning dew, but it doesn't take long as the suns rays soon causes them to vanish for the remainder of the day.

Here's one of the workers.

Judging by the number of vapour trails blazin' across what would have been a clear blue sky, there must be plenty of health harming/global warming pollution up in the atmosphere, as we witnessed the following day as the early morning Smog formed a layer above the Vale of Aylesbury.

A Tawny Owl 'hooted' on several occasions during the day, in the evening it could be heard uttering the weird warbling 'tremolo' courtship call. Don.                                                                                                                                                                                            

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