Flooded Meadows at Old Amersham

Monday, August 5, 2019

4th August..... Harvestin'

This afternoon I joined Peter, Kevin & Adam who were busy busy busy bringing in the first crop of the summer season : Winter Barley.
Before the cuttin' can begin, the beast needs to be prepared:
Toppin' up the fuel.
Leaf blowers are not only useful in the garden it seems, gettin' rid of the debris from the previous day, don't want it getin' in the works, over heatin' & startin' a fire.
Right thats that done, on with the business of bringing in the Harvest.

This couple of Roe Deer were quite happy in a nearby hay meadow.

Went on an off road recce this morning.

Came across a family group of four Ravens. This one appears to be having a spot of both with a couple of 'copters, but obviously they are in the distance making them all appear of similar size.
Yellowhammers are still busy feeding young.
This balloon type thing is not what really want to find in a crop field, could truely put a spanner in the works if it's not found before the combine gets to work.


Images Copyright : Don Stone/Stewart Dennis.

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