Flooded Meadows at Old Amersham

Saturday, November 2, 2019

31st October..... Stonechats.

Stopped off to check the Plover Field frequented by Golden Plovers at this time of year at Hyde Heath this morning, none present yet, but did find two Stonechats in the set aside area which was created last year. Earlier in the week while estimating for a job in Chesham came across a group of c20 House Sparrows at the Friends Meeting House, largest flock I've seen locally.
Looks as if the protest against the Link Road widening scheme by HS2 has had a successful outcome, as they've apparently come up with a new plan, whereby only one tree is to be felled. After Monday's panic that can only be a good thing, you had to be there to know what I mean.
How long will it be before the White-tailed Eagle from the Isle of White release scheme strays over the county border?? after being seen in Oxfordshire for the last month.

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