Flooded Meadows at Old Amersham

Monday, November 4, 2019

3rd November..... Lapwings.

Along with Stewart we checked the Plover Field at Hyde Heath, where two Stonechats were last week, they had moved on, but 29 Lapwings were out on the cultivated land, along with 3 Sky Larks & Heron.
Moved onto the Misbourne Valley, parking at Bottom House Farm Lane. Here the River Misbourne is a sorry sight, being completely dry, how HS2 can justify using up to 8 million litres of water a day on the Chiltern Tunnel when the river is in this condition is beyond belief, especially when you consider said tunnel is running under & up the river valley. Still the review panel set up to assess to projects merits has now draw it's conclusions & we just await an announcement.
Heading off towards Amersham 3 Buzzards circled on high, a possible Stonechat perched in the distant game cover, along it's edge where it joined the cultivated field 3 Sky Larks chased each other amongst a flock of 17 Meadow Pipits. Massive flock of Wood Pigeons spread over 3 fields at least 600 in number, joined by c40 Starlings with another 80 flying in later. The corner behind the House Hold Waste Site held a good concentration of feeding birds 7 Pied Wagtails, 25 Yellow Hammers, 20 Chaffinch, Greenfinch, Dunnock, & strangely 4 Blue Tits feeding out in the field.

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