Flooded Meadows at Old Amersham

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Dear Boris.

Hello Boris,
I've been watching you on the election trail on the television news reports, you've been giving plenty of attention to the NHS, Police & Schools etc etc, the climate & environment isn't getting a look in, it's the one subject that effects us all, whether we be rich or poor, but you seem to be ignoring it!! how come?? though I did hear some statement about setting millions of trees, likewise the Labour Party & The Green Party, it seems to be a race to set a Forest, these saplings will take years to develop into mature trees before they can provide shelter to wildlife & filter out harmful co2 gases in the atmosphere.
One way you could help achieve this faster would be to call a halt to the High Speed Rail project that is currently destroying vast tracks of this green & pleasant land, taking ever decreasing farm land out production, which we desperately need to feed our ever increasing population. I'm sure you're well aware of all the ancient woodland that will be lost for good, no amount of tiny mitigation saplings will replace them & any way where will they all be planted, & how many of them will actually survive??  I've seen the destruction first hand & it doesn't make for good viewing, massive trees torn from the earth..... total environmental carnage.
Then we have the financial costs £80 billion at present & rising, bound to exceed at least £100 billion on completion, plus the hidden costs such as policing for example, from what I've seen of the numerous videos on social media it's a good job you're recruiting an extra 20,000 officers as they're gonna be needed over the next 20 years or so to police the protests if this scheme gets the go ahead. The billions saved could be used to fund your other more worth while promises.
Come on Boris you're a man of decisive actions, do the right thing & cancel it, you know it makes sense.... your dad will be proud of you.

I look forward to hearing your reply.
All the Best
Don Stone.

boris.johnson.mp@parliament.uk  is the email address, if after reading this you also have strong feelings on this subject & wish to contact him with your thoughts. With the Oakervee Review still to publish it's findings this maybe the last chance we have to try & influence the out come.

Train in Vain.

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