Flooded Meadows at Old Amersham

Saturday, April 18, 2020

13th & 14th April..... Butterflies.

As well as the feeders being busy, robins were active on the lawn searching for insects and flying off to feed their young. A wren came in also searching for insects, watched it for a few minutes as it quickly moved back and forth over the lawn.
On a walk from home we soon passed a male chaffinch singing from a roadside blackthorn hedge which is in full flower at this time of year.
Another hot day brought butterflies out good numbers of brimstone, peacock and tortoiseshell were out, also a few  male orange-tip (the female does not have the orange tip, hers are black) and holly blues with their silver and black spotted underwings.
Found one comma butterfly warming itself up in the sun. On way back home passed a small herd of goats. Green woodpeckers are very vocal at the moment with their strange call, also heard a buzzard and raven having words.
The following morning walked opposite direction and more green woodpeckers heard and seen briefly. Good views of rooks searching for grubs  and, being another hot day, butterfly numbers were good.
At home a green- veined white resting amongst the brunnera flowers. Stewart.

Images Copyright : Stewart Dennis.

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