Flooded Meadows at Old Amersham

Saturday, April 25, 2020

21st April..... Starlings & Roe Deer.

Towards the end of last week the male starling started entering the box where great tits were nesting, taking out the moss the great tit had used for its nest then taking in its own nesting material.
Not good news for the great tits who also kept entering the box and bringing out the material the starling had brought in. It carried on for two days and now the box is quiet and empty. The starlings are incubating in their own box, hopefully, hatch about the beginning of May and the great tits will  find another box.

Another quiet walk from home and came across three roe deer in a state of moult, two young does and a buck who was also shedding the velvet from its antlers.

Sunday had a distant view of my first 'passing through' wheatear also noted  two lapwings in their regular field and good numbers of skylarks.
On way back home passed a holly-blue butterfly on holly, a speckled wood and green-veined white butterfly.

Later at home a male orange-tip was sharing the honesty with bee-flies.

Images Copyright : Stewart Dennis.

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