Flooded Meadows at Old Amersham

Saturday, April 11, 2020

To Governments, Decision Makers, Movers & Shakers.

In the last twelve months we've experienced Fire, Flood & now pestilence, do you not think Nature is sending us a message?? Things need to change & fast, all this environmental destruction needs to Stop. It's causing untold damage. You as decision makers need to change the path you're on, can you not see you're killing the planet & the people.

Still it seems things may change after a prolonged Lockdown due to this pandemic, as it appears the internet is now on the cusp of a second revolution (the first being the internet retail revolution), with employees forced to work from home due to the current travel restrictions, many companies & individuals are already discussing the prospects of working from home in the future, realising this to be more cost effective for both employers & employees alike. If this is to be the future of business, it will mean vacant office space, which could be converted to reduce the housing shortage, plus less traffic on the roads, rails & in the air, leading to less pollution & a better life for everyone.

Which would beg the question why build High Speed Two when we have High Speed Broadband?? for less cost & less destruction.

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