Flooded Meadows at Old Amersham

Thursday, June 25, 2020

16th - 21st June.

June 16th and interesting to see how quickly adult starlings start developing winter colour after their breeding season has finished. Had an adult turn up at the feeders this morning with its beak turning black already.
Later  we went to BBOWT Aston Clinton Ragpits to look at the orchids that grow at this small but special site where thousands of orchids grow and flower at this time of year. Amongst the pyramidal, chalk fragrant, common spotted. twayblade, greater butterfly flowering now are a few bee orchids, some caged  for their safety.
First marbled white butterfly of the year seen along with large and dingy skippers.

Also a few Roman snail seen, our largest British snail, introduced in the Roman times.
17th June young great spotted woodpeckers coming in regularly to the feeders and also noticing how quickly the moorhen chicks are growing.
21st walked from home to check the violet helleborines growing nearby, looking good and hopefully be flowering soon. Stewart.
Images Copyright : Stewart Dennis.

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