Flooded Meadows at Old Amersham

Friday, June 19, 2020

Early June.

End of May and the starling numbers building in the garden,over forty on occasions. Many family groups flying in, feasting on the fatballs and the ground feeders and using the birdbaths, all squabbling like starlings do.
Good to watch the male bullfinch coming close and the great spotted woodpecker taking away beakfulls of fatball to feed their young.
1st of June another hot day, peacock caterpillars beginning to leave their webs in the nettle tops.
An evening walk and clouds of aphids seen in the sunlight.
This vixen caught an unusual prey item, obviously still suckling her cubs, bringing home dinner.
Weather changing turning much cooler and windy, most of the starlings seem to have disappeared, virtually overnight, a few mainly juveniles coming in now.
3rd June watched a family group of treecreepers in nearby woods searching for food and also glanced up at a kite's nest as I passed quickly by.
Came across a common blue on the path and it not having warmed up yet I moved it to safety.
All four moorhen chicks doing well in the garden and clearing up underneath the feeders and now the starlings have gone, young great and blue tits are busy feeding.
Watched a magpie searching through a hay field for whatever it could find.
Images Copyright : Stewart Dennis.

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