Flooded Meadows at Old Amersham

Monday, June 29, 2020

21st - 23rd June.

Sunday night set the trail-cam onto the roof of a bird table in the garden hoping to catch the local kestrel or tawny owl using it to perch on. A wood pigeon triggered a 20 second clip at 5.05 Monday morning and it picked up a call that I, Don and a few others can't ID as yet, but we're working on it. Possibly involve getting up early, waiting and hoping it calls again.
Tuesday 23rd and another hot day, went to Pitstone Hill for a good walk before the temperature rose, hoping for butterflies and birds. Heard a corn bunting's jingling song from the car park and later saw another on a fence post. Followed the path along the east edge and on to Aldbury Nowers with large numbers of marbled white very active all the way with a few stopping to feed on knapweed and field scabious. Also large numbers of meadow browns, ringlets & small heaths all very active.
Large skippers feeding on yellow asparagus pea.
Small skippers on bramble flowers... 
... along with a few dark-green fritillaries, so called because of the green underwings.
Many skylarks singing in the air and from the tops of bushes.

Meadow pipits feeding young and being chased off by a fine looking male stonechat.
A good show of orchids, both pyramidal and common spotted with a few chalk fragrant seen. Stewart.
Images Copyright : Stewart Dennis.

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