Flooded Meadows at Old Amersham

Thursday, December 27, 2018

27th December..... Roe Deer & The Misbourne Valley.

A good walk late on the afternoon of the 22nd, only really came across a roe deer nicely silhouetted against the skyline.

Today a short walk this morning and was puzzled for a minute by large wet leaves next to a wood apparently jumping but looking through my binoculars saw around 20 redwings busily foraging through the them. Also a small flock of goldfinches feeding on burdock.
Closer to home a pair of red kites perched close to their nest in a large beech which they have now used for over 5 years. In the garden long tailed tit numbers are increasing, a party of 14 came through yesterday.

Misbourne Valley.
Deep Mill Lane Pond held a Gadwall & a Little Grebe, while at Little Missenden 2 Little Egrets flew above the river up stream from the church.
Shardeloes Lake had good numbers of duck present: 95 Gadwall, 4 Little Grebe, 9 Tufted Duck & a single Teal. Also Grey Heron, Reed Bunting, 20 Redwing, 15 Goldfinch & 4 Mistle Thrush.

Monday, December 24, 2018

Christmas Eve.

Checked a few local spots this afternoon.
Lee Common: Flock of 14 Meadow Pipits over.
The Lee: Mixed feeding flock of 195 winter thrushes in crop field, the majority being Fieldfares with just a few Redwings, c100 Starlings in a single flock heading west at 3-15pm.
Hunts Green: 31 Goldfinches, 3 Great Spotted Woodpeckers.

Sunday, December 23, 2018

23rd December..... Bullfinch & Greenfinch.

The Bullfinches have really taken to feeding on the Sunflower Hearts this winter, after seemingly avoiding them in past years. Still not seen more than the male & two females together at any one time. Here the male was joined by a Greenfinch, while a female patiently looked on.

21st December..... Goldfinches.

It’s great to see the goldfinches back where they belong in the garden, on the teazel. Two male bullfinches and male greenfinch at the sunflower hearts together which was also good to see. Had a queen wasp buzzing around the kitchen this morning, can only think it came in with the logs hibernating under the bark and woke up in the warm.

We use to have the same problem with logs & Wasps, now all logs are kept outside.

All Images Copyright : Stewart Dennis.

Friday, December 21, 2018

18th & 19th December.

18th On leaving Colour Supplies in Chesham today I glanced up towards The Moor to check for traffic & was surprised to see a Little Egret daintily walking along the edge of the road before crossing the path & returning back to the river.
19th finished work now for the Xmas break. Busy in the garden today where a Green Woodpecker could be heard "Yaffling" As I coppiced an overgrown Elder tree I noticed it was sprouting small shoots from it's many stems. A pair of Bullfinches fed in the Brambles & also visited the bird feeder, as they have for the last week. A Nuthach searched for food in the Hornbeam. As dusk fell a female Tawny Owl called from a neighbouring garden.

Wednesday, December 19, 2018

17th December.... At the Feeder.

With the sun shinning on the feeder after lunch thought I would try to get up close and personal. So I popped up my small hide close to the feeders, put in a small chair and cup of tea and within minutes the birds were busy feeding. Also redwings finding more berries in the garden and blackbirds are guarding and enjoying the crab apples, the tree is loaded.

Images Copyright : Stewart Dennis.


16th December.... Back on the Case.

It was good to get out after a fortnight of being indoors decorating. A bright Sunday morning and just down the road disturbed a few starling bathing in a puddle  which then flew into tree tops and started to preen and dry them selves off. Later two roe deer grazing but kept their eyes on me as I walked  past. 4 skylarks rose from close by and a large flock of 30 to 40 yellowhammers, good to see, moved in front of me along the hedgerow. Later startled two more roe deer, and found interesting fungi in the frosty grass and heard a raven cronking.
Soon found the raven perched on top of a pylon and watched it fly to the next pylon and continue calling.
Close to home redwings were feeding on hawthorn berries.

                                                                                                                                          Images Copyright : Stewart Dennis.

Tuesday, December 18, 2018


16th December..... Chinese Water Deer.

Went out during the afternoon with Stewart checkin' various sites, with little success. Untill we parked up near Long Marston, where in a single scan with the "bins" over two large crop fields I counted an amazing 23 Chinese Water Deer, with another 7 in the Wingrave/Wing area.

Friday, December 14, 2018

Blue Tit & Bullfinches.

On the morning of the 11th a Blue Tit with a ring on it's right leg was at the feeders. The last Blue Tit to be ringed in the garden was back in November 2013, so presuming it was one of those, it would make it at least five years of age. Also feeding was a female Bullfinch, followed on the 13th by a male & two females. In past winters they have very rarely taken the sunflower hearts, preferring instead to feed on the seeds of Lemon Balm & Marjoram plants nearby. Hopefully this is a trend that will continue.

Monday, December 10, 2018

Sunday, December 9, 2018

9th December..... Calvert Jubilee.

Checkin' the weather forecast yesterday the weather prophet predicted a half decent day, with showers first thing & that's what we got. As I left home in the darkness it was ''a hissing down'' & hadn't stopped by the time I stepped into the hide at Calvert.
Spent 30 minutes in here, the high light being a Water Rail wandering across one of the cut channels in front of the hide. Unfortunately no Bittern. The image right shows the Bearded Tit grit trays.

Moved onto the second hide which is situated nearer to the water, from here had good views of Little Grebe., Coots were everywhere.
In the near future this view will be blighted by the HS2 train line along the horizon.

By now the weather had improved, so I popped into Gallows Bridge Farm, where the soon to be opened new hide on the far side looked impressive. A couple of Reed Buntings, a few Linnets & a Bullfinch was the best I could manage on the reserve, while in the distance to the north c100 Lapwings settled in the fields.
Nothing special seen, plenty of chat & a nice morning out & about.

8th December..... Colour in the Garden.

This cock Pheasant has been visiting the garden for the last couple of days feeding on the scattered seed.

One of half a dozen Goldfinches visiting the feeder.

Four Robins singing within earshot of the garden before daybreak today.

Friday, December 7, 2018

5th December..... Collared Dove.

Looking out in the rain this morning saw this lone collared dove under the feeders. Stayed for maybe an hour moving from tree to the ground to pick up spilt seed. Interesting read on this species expansion from its native home range in warm temperate and subtropical Asia and now in just over 100 years and unaided is found from Southeast Asia right across Western Europe. Introduced to North America in the 1980s.

Good to see a Goldcrest in the garden on Monday hawking for insects hummingbird style from the shrubs.
Images : Copyright Stewart Dennis.

Due to work commitments & lack of daylight I've not seen much locally recently, but yesterday I managed to spend half an hour at home, being entertained by half a dozen Goldfinches & Nuthatch on the feeder. As I left a flock of c40 Fieldfares flew over. Also a small flock of Common Gulls feeding in a meadow. c20 Lapwings in their favourite field at Hyde End.
Small colony of House Sparrows at Seer Green.

Saturday, December 1, 2018

1st December..... Bullfinches.

Bullfinches were evident in the garden for the first time this Winter, with 2 pairs feeding on shrivelled up Blackberries along the top of the Laurel hedge. I leave the hedges uncut 'till the Winters end, purposely to provide sustenance for these stunning Finches, if only others would do the same!!
