Flooded Meadows at Old Amersham

Friday, December 21, 2018

18th & 19th December.

18th On leaving Colour Supplies in Chesham today I glanced up towards The Moor to check for traffic & was surprised to see a Little Egret daintily walking along the edge of the road before crossing the path & returning back to the river.
19th finished work now for the Xmas break. Busy in the garden today where a Green Woodpecker could be heard "Yaffling" As I coppiced an overgrown Elder tree I noticed it was sprouting small shoots from it's many stems. A pair of Bullfinches fed in the Brambles & also visited the bird feeder, as they have for the last week. A Nuthach searched for food in the Hornbeam. As dusk fell a female Tawny Owl called from a neighbouring garden.

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