Flooded Meadows at Old Amersham

Wednesday, December 19, 2018

16th December.... Back on the Case.

It was good to get out after a fortnight of being indoors decorating. A bright Sunday morning and just down the road disturbed a few starling bathing in a puddle  which then flew into tree tops and started to preen and dry them selves off. Later two roe deer grazing but kept their eyes on me as I walked  past. 4 skylarks rose from close by and a large flock of 30 to 40 yellowhammers, good to see, moved in front of me along the hedgerow. Later startled two more roe deer, and found interesting fungi in the frosty grass and heard a raven cronking.
Soon found the raven perched on top of a pylon and watched it fly to the next pylon and continue calling.
Close to home redwings were feeding on hawthorn berries.

                                                                                                                                          Images Copyright : Stewart Dennis.

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