Flooded Meadows at Old Amersham

Friday, December 7, 2018

5th December..... Collared Dove.

Looking out in the rain this morning saw this lone collared dove under the feeders. Stayed for maybe an hour moving from tree to the ground to pick up spilt seed. Interesting read on this species expansion from its native home range in warm temperate and subtropical Asia and now in just over 100 years and unaided is found from Southeast Asia right across Western Europe. Introduced to North America in the 1980s.

Good to see a Goldcrest in the garden on Monday hawking for insects hummingbird style from the shrubs.
Images : Copyright Stewart Dennis.

Due to work commitments & lack of daylight I've not seen much locally recently, but yesterday I managed to spend half an hour at home, being entertained by half a dozen Goldfinches & Nuthatch on the feeder. As I left a flock of c40 Fieldfares flew over. Also a small flock of Common Gulls feeding in a meadow. c20 Lapwings in their favourite field at Hyde End.
Small colony of House Sparrows at Seer Green.

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