Flooded Meadows at Old Amersham

Sunday, December 9, 2018

9th December..... Calvert Jubilee.

Checkin' the weather forecast yesterday the weather prophet predicted a half decent day, with showers first thing & that's what we got. As I left home in the darkness it was ''a hissing down'' & hadn't stopped by the time I stepped into the hide at Calvert.
Spent 30 minutes in here, the high light being a Water Rail wandering across one of the cut channels in front of the hide. Unfortunately no Bittern. The image right shows the Bearded Tit grit trays.

Moved onto the second hide which is situated nearer to the water, from here had good views of Little Grebe., Coots were everywhere.
In the near future this view will be blighted by the HS2 train line along the horizon.

By now the weather had improved, so I popped into Gallows Bridge Farm, where the soon to be opened new hide on the far side looked impressive. A couple of Reed Buntings, a few Linnets & a Bullfinch was the best I could manage on the reserve, while in the distance to the north c100 Lapwings settled in the fields.
Nothing special seen, plenty of chat & a nice morning out & about.

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