Flooded Meadows at Old Amersham

Wednesday, March 20, 2019

17th March..... Misbourne & Chess Valleys.

Following on from last weekend's Siskin, I glanced out of the window as I cooked the tasty bacon from Kings Farm Shop, to see a pair of Siskins feeding on the sunflower hearts, above the pair of Mallards which are becoming more confiding feeding out on the lawn under the feeders, with the drake always keeping a watchful eye on proceeds.

Down on the river Misbourne at Little Missenden, Stewart & myself found a Little Egret feeding in one of the side channels.
While the main river held 4 Teal, 2 pairs of Gadwall, 7 Tufted Ducks, a Little Grebe, along with various Mallards & Moorhens, as the meadow hosted a pair of Lapwings. As we drove out of the village Stewart's alert eyes spotted a Kingfisher as it flashed above the road.
Moving onto the Chess Valley it was pleasing to find a Heron standing guard as 2 birds sat tight on their nests.
A total of 6 Little Egrets were encountered at 3 locations.

1 bird appearing to have a broken lower mandible. On closer inspection of the Missenden Egret photo, that bird also seems to have the same problem.

A Muntjac posed nicely.

4 Lapwings back at 2 breeding sites.
At home the Mallards were happily feeding during the hail storms, later they were briefly disrupted by two amorous drakes, with the duck flying on to the pond with one of the likely lads hanging on amid much squawking & flapping... they were soon seen off. 

A piece of footage I took a few years back showing how the bill should look  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nDRIijXdxxc

Images Copyright : Don Stone/Stewart Dennis.

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