Flooded Meadows at Old Amersham

Sunday, March 24, 2019

23rd March..... Tell Tail Sign.

This male Blackbird kept returning to our lawn throughout the day, gathering worms to feed it's young in a nearby nest.
This is just a single worm, which it broke down into this tasty looking mouth full, no wonder the chicks grow so fast when they get fed like this:

Red Kites engaged in courtship display above the garden during the afternoon, coming down low enough to hear the whoosh from their wings.
Extremely pleased to find this revealing tail sticking out from this box, which I put up maybe ten years back, when I checked a few weeks ago a Squirrels drey filled the entrance.

Primroses everywhere.

Two Ravens passed over at midday, Chiffchaff at pond, with Siskin still visiting feeders.

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