Flooded Meadows at Old Amersham

Monday, March 4, 2019

3rd March..... Redwings.

Yesterday afternoon I came across 2 Redwings lurking in the pollarded Silver Birches in the garden. First thing this morning c50 were in the garden & feeding in the field behind with many of them singing, as they do in late winter/early spring, while making their journey back home to Scandinavia for the summer, it's always a pleasing sound, being a sign that the cold winter days will soon be behind us, not that we've had many this season. Also 4 Fieldfares mixing in with the Redwings & a couple of Stock Doves feeding in neighbouring garden. More much needed rain fell during the day, which will hopefully help settle in the Oxlips, Meadow Clary & Bladder Campion pot plants I set in the Wildflower patches yesterday. 

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