Flooded Meadows at Old Amersham

Sunday, March 10, 2019

5th - 8th March.

On a fine Tuesday morning (5th) my wife and I went to Western Turville reservoir and on to the Wendover canal and the Wendover Wides which is where we came across a very obliging little grebe.

Also a pair of mistle thrush were chasing away a third above us. I was hoping for good views of mandarin but only had a brief glimpse of a pair which quickly disappeared into the vegetation and a drake resting up in amongst the reeds. Mallards were seen in pairs. On the reservoir the cygnet had gone which Don and I on the 17th February had watched the eviction in progress by the adults. Just the breeding pair there now ready for the breeding year to start. Found just one male pochard and a smaller number of tufted duck than seen with Don. Three juvenile cormorants were drying their outstretched  wings perched on a raft. Wednesday, a very wet young male sparrowhawk was in the garden possibly the same as on the 10th Feb. but didn't stay long. Thursday, female siskin back on feeders.
Friday a pair of bullfinches were feeding on the last of the crab apples. The small tree (red sentinel) has been providing food for different species of birds all winter.

Images Copyright : Stewart Dennis.

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