Flooded Meadows at Old Amersham

Wednesday, January 15, 2020

12th January..... Stonechats.

Went to check out the over wintering Ring Ouzel at Pitstone Hill this morning. Strong wind a blowin', plenty of  dog walkers, mountain bikers & ramblers to be seen, but no Ring Ouzel, hardly surprising really with all that disturbance going on, no doubt just sitting out of sight in secluded cover.
Three confiding Stonechats were a nice consolation, plus about twenty Skylarks. Another unexpected bonus was meeting Adrian Roach a local birder & more importantly one of the founding fathers of FRIARS Aylesbury, which was the source of many happy musical related  adventures from the days of my youth... thanks for the memories.
Same bird, two photographers, mine above, Stewart's below.

Wandered over to Incombe Hole, nice dog Fox, crept up on this rather mystical looking Kestrel, 'til some bloke I know spooked it. When there's two of you, seems it pays to both be on the same path.

  In the afternoon a female sparrowhawk had two attempts at snatching prey in Stewart's garden, but unsuccessfully. Where this male great spotted woodpecker posed nicely for a while.  Don.                   
Images Copyright : Don Stone/Stewart Dennis.                                                                                 


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