Flooded Meadows at Old Amersham

Tuesday, January 28, 2020

24th January..... HS2 Fly Tippin' Patrol.

As I leaned on a gate photographing these three Roe Deer.
I became aware of a vehicle slowly approaching. The guy leaned out, said "can you move away from the gate, I need to photograph it," well I know it's a nice looking gate & all, so I said "why what's so special about it, why do you need to take a picture," "sorry I can't say came back the reply,"  "well if you can't tell me why, I'm not moving, in fact I'll take a picture of you," which resulted in  a hand being placed over the face (standard HS2 procedure)  & the window going up, followed a short stand off, out comes his Tablet & we end up taking pictures of each other.
As they depart the driver says "they need the picture as poof they were there, thing is it's not even an HS2 site. I wonder how many times a week they do that?? Sounds like more money being wasted to me.
Is there a number plate showing here?? Who made a mess of that grass verge then?? Of course I knew they were the HS2 Fly tippin' Patrol, having met another couple last year at another site, who were far more sociable, even disclosed their route & the salary for the job.

A little update on the Road Sweeper, seems it became stuck in the grass verge the other week & had to be towed out by a farmer friend of mine, surprised he did it, as HS2 are grabbing part of his farm & cutting it in half along the middle. 

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