Flooded Meadows at Old Amersham

Tuesday, May 19, 2020

15th May..... Busy feeding Young.

A small group of jackdaws concentrating on searching for insects and moving through the grass and buttercups didn't seem to notice me and came close.
At the time I was standing still enjoying a whitethroat singing moving along electricity cables. 
Woods looking good this time of year and on way back home passed a small suckler herd of mixed crossbreeds, Belgian Blues, Charolais, Limousin and some white faces of Herefords.

Healthy young rabbits about but not far away at home have seen myxomatosis, awful disease.
The cock pheasant seems to have gone up in the world, surveying his patch.
Robins busy feeding young.
As are the starlings probing the lawn for grubs for their young now constantly flying back and forth, carrying in food and taking away faecal sacks. Stewart.

Images Copyright : Stewart Dennis.

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