Flooded Meadows at Old Amersham

Saturday, May 30, 2020

27th May..... 'Tis all Happening.

Cow parsley is adding a white edging to many of the footpaths and lanes.
The new leaves on the mature beech trees looking fresh and tender, quickly cutting out the light to the woodland floor where the bluebells are now fading.
Passed a holly blue on the cow parsley.

Male linnet singing from amongst  the mayflowers at the pinnacle of a hawthorn.
Early morning and a common red damselfly is quite torpid allowing for more close-up photos.

Was told of fox cubs near-by so set up my trailcam, which enabled some interesting stills and videos of a vixen along with three cubs.

In the garden, blackbirds also busy feeding young, sometimes taking away mini suet pellets.

Blue tit enjoying a bath while keeping an eye on what's about.
A few days later went back to pick up the trailcam and came so close to a cub, a first for me.
Images Copyright : Stewart Dennis.

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