Flooded Meadows at Old Amersham

Wednesday, May 13, 2020

7th May..... Shopping for Flour.

A good walk over to our local village shop, heard they had flour, hard to find around here at the moment. Walking past a cottage with the cricket pavilion close by, the club established 1875.
Saw a different male starling, in his splendid breeding plumage put in a brief  appearance.
The pair I have nesting in the garden ignored it and carried on slowly feeding their newly hatched young. Incubation period being just 12 days and about three weeks to fledging.

A male bullfinch also started coming onto the sunflower seed, maybe wanting a bit of help filling it's crop which it will regurgitate  when feeding his chicks.
Heard a song thrush opening a snail, opened the garden gate and saw it fly on to the neighbours' shed roof with a small morsel, off to feed it's young I guess.
Dunnocks coming in close searching for whatever they can find underneath a bird table close to the backdoor.
Moorhen's pretending to be a blue tit.
The male and female starlings are constantly feeding their young and as the young grow so will their appetites, a busy time ahead for our breeding birds. Stewart.
Images Copyright : Stewart Dennis.

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