Flooded Meadows at Old Amersham

Saturday, May 2, 2020

26th April..... Misbourne Lockdown Walk.

Today my wife and I decided to walk down to the River Misbourne. Another warm and sunny morning.
Beginning to hear common whitethroats singing and found one on the way down to the A413 in their usual favourite place, high on a bush.
Passed kites feeding on the ground and one in the hedgerow.
Under the by-pass and good to see the River Misbourne flowing well from it's source at Mobwell.
Had been told the bluebells in Coneybank Wood were the best they have been for years so carried on to have a look.
The sight and scent was wonderful and growing with them to add to the colour were the white greater stitchwort and yellow archangel.
Back home after lunch two young buck roe deer walked past the garden gate and the honesty is still attracting  butterflies as well as honey bees and more.

Images Copyright : Stewart Dennis.

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