Flooded Meadows at Old Amersham

Sunday, November 18, 2018

17th November..... Garden News.

Great Spotted Woodpeckers seem to have found the sunflower hearts this week, often on the feeder.
Blue tits have started using the nest box close to the back door, presumably roosting in it, it’s been cleaned out and has fresh hay inside.

Nice to see more Blue Tits and Robins in the winter flowering Viburnum Bodnantense.

Found this imprint on the window of a bird. Pigeon size so can only guess that one of our regular Wood Pigeons hit the window but no bird or feathers found so hopefully all ended well. Stewart.
All images Copyright : Stewart Dennis.

In our garden Redwings were present throughout the day, at dusk a Song Thrush sang from the upper branches of a Plum tree, as a Tawny Owl greeted the darkness with a couple of 'hoots' from a neighbouring garden.

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