Flooded Meadows at Old Amersham

Friday, November 2, 2018

31st October..... Pitstone Hill.

Making the most of the weather today we went to Pitstone Hill. Walking along the southern fence line again followed a hunting Kestrel and Red Kite, often flying lower than us.

Also plenty of Skylarks about and further along the fence line came across a pair of Stonechats. The female feeding on what looks like quite hairy caterpillars. Soon after turned around and walked back across the road towards Ivinghoe Beacon.
Lots of Sheep, breeding ewes and tups and most ewes marked with raddle and all enjoying the sunshine.
Found another Stonechat on our way back to the car park.
College Lake for lunch and a colourful walk around after with the trees
 Juniper berries


All images Copyright : Stewart Dennis.

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