Flooded Meadows at Old Amersham

Monday, November 26, 2018

25th November..... Winter Thrushes.

This weekend has seen a big influx of Winter Thrushes into the area: for most of Saturday morning a flock of 12 Redwings fed on Holly Berries in the garden, often taking flight when disturbed, but always returning back to the berries, another flock of c40 passed over several times. When I went out on Sunday morning a flock of c80 Redwings passed over, settling in a neighbouring garden, I quickly returned to the house to grab the camera (took less than a minute), but by then only 11 remained, but they soon re-appeared as they flew from nearby Conifers.


Later in the morning on the way to Amersham  c30 Fieldfares were at Hyde Heath & 18 more flew over the high street as we shopped, the largest count being a mixed flock of c200  Redwings/Fieldfares above Ballinger Cricket pitch as the sky seemed to be full of Thrushes. 
                             Fieldfare.                                                                                                     Don.

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