Flooded Meadows at Old Amersham

Monday, November 5, 2018

28th October - 3rd November.

28th noticeably more Redwings around than before we went away, with up to a dozen feeding on our Holly berries, Sprawky bathing in the pond for 5 minutes at 11-00am.
29th Badger visited our front garden overnight, digging a small hole 5 feet from the front door.
30th Marsh Tit at Swan Bottom, has been here for at least 12 months.
31st 3 Stonechats at Pitstone Hill (Stewart).2 male Tawny Owls & a female calling near the garden at 5-15pm, along with another distant male.
1st 6 Ring-necked Parakeets over the village (Cathy).

3rd vizmiging over the local fields between 7-20 & 8-30am produced c229 Wood Pigeon heading south west, c109 Redwings (59 west), Starling c73 (64 west, 9 north), 18 Mistle Thrush (14 south west, then turned back east, 2 south west & 2 singles east), a single flock of 16 Linnet north, 6 Mallard south, Black-headed Gull west, Meadow Pipit north, Sky Lark south, Lesser Black-backed Gull west & 25 Fieldfare came down & settled in hedgerow. Marsh Tit in the garden.
The early morning sun,
Rises behind the trees;
Forming bold silhouettes,
With the Oak leaves.

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