Flooded Meadows at Old Amersham

Sunday, July 14, 2019

13th July..... Great White Egret.

Talking with Stewart on the phone this evening, I mentioned that a Great White Egret had been seen at Wendover a few days earlier, but no more sightings had been posted. With nothing worth watching on the telly we thought we'd give it ago.

On arriving we encountered several Mandarin Ducks, Mallards & Moorhens.

On towards the small island a large white bird came into view... Mute Swan, Stewart remark, "well it's large & white," a bit further & I took this record shot, in case we spooked it.

It didn't seem to upset by our presence, so we moved closer.
A runner then came speeding down the towpath, so asked him to walk past in case he spooked it, which he kindly did, Egret took no notice, guess it's use to folks passing by, so we did the same.
At 8-34, it tucked it's head in, & we left it to it's slumbers.

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