Flooded Meadows at Old Amersham

Friday, July 12, 2019

Welsh Trip, Week One.

Just back from a trip to Mid- North Wales re-visiting some of our favourite places. First week we stayed in a cottage close to Dolgellau, calling in at Powis Castle and  Lake Vyrnwy on the way.
At Lake Vyrnwy large numbers of siskins on the feeders at the RSPB hide, along with goldfinches and nuthatch. A short walk on their reserve found willow warbler, chiffchaff and wood warbler. Later moved to the far end of the water and found redstart, pied flycatcher, blackcap hen, and a singing male grey wagtail.
Had a day walking up into high moorland.
Apart from the amazing scenery found whinchat.
Nesting building stonechats.
Dark green fritillary and small heath butterflies.
Golden ringed dragonfly.
Four-spotted chasers, Broad- bodied chasers, large red and common blue damselfly.
Monday 24th had a day at Coed y Brenin forest park and a long walk through forest and mountain.
Heard and saw crossbill and wood warbler. Northern hairy wood ants were busy in the forest, continuous columns carrying nest building material and dead insects to their nest.
Also watched longhorn moths in the shafts of sunlight.
 Tuesday started wet, after lunch walked around Twin Lakes, high lakes south of Barmouth. Saw spotted orchids, ragged robin, cotton grass.
Walking around the lake found more stonechats with youngsters in tow, likewise wheatears attending to their offspring.
Further on past the lakes came across pairs of redpolls with the males singing in their display flights over an area covered in gorse. Back to the car, on along the road and more stonechats and wheatears. Noticed tadpoles in the water at the side of the mountain road.
Back at the lake a common sandpiper was sitting on a fence post.
In the same area found another golden-ringed dragonfly alomg with a keeled skimmer.
Weather warming up on Thursday27th found a hot, noisy raven.
This very dark stonechat was drying off after a bath.
Friday 28th  a hot day  and  butterfly numbers were building. Lots of painted lady butterflies feeding on bramble.
Dark green and small pearl bordered fritillaries  at Coed y Brenin.
Where folks are still panning for Welsh gold.

Images Copyright : Stewart Dennis.

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