Flooded Meadows at Old Amersham

Friday, July 19, 2019

The River Chess is in Crisis and Needs Your Help before the 22nd July

A long stretch of the Chess in Chesham has been dry for many months. This has been an increasingly common sight in recent years.

Nearly 60% of chalk stream habitat in the Chilterns AONB is now dry.

Charles Walker, MP for Broxbourne, has secured a debate in the House of Commons on Monday 22nd July on the issues facing our chalk streams and their need for greater protection.

Please contact your local MP to let them know you care about our chalk streams in advance of this debate.

The Chilterns Chalk Streams Project has put together a letter template, so that it's quick and easy for you to email your MP. Please visit their web site for more information and to view the template: https://www.chilternsaonb.org/news/356/19/Our-Chalk-streams-are-in-crisis.-They-need-your-help.html

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