Flooded Meadows at Old Amersham

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

21st July..... Bernwood Butterfly Bonanza.

Had thought about visiting Finemere Wood today to check out the butterflies, having read that those HS2 Types are active in the area, headed off to Bernwood Forest instead. Explored the two mile long Butterfly Trail which didn't disappoint, with hundreds of Butterflies on the wing.

Had only gone a few yards along the main track, & already notched up half a dozen Silver-washed Fritillaries, with lots more to follow, possibly getting on towards seventy.

These were out numbered by Gatekeepers.

Here they lived up to their name, as many could be found on the Brambles at this gate.

Where this one nectored with a Ringlet for company.
Didn't expect to come across Wood Ants here, found twenty two nests in one area.
Skippers were another species present in large numbers, both Large & Small.

Long horned Beetle.
Friendly Ruddy Darter.

Six Brimstones were confined to one track.

Only saw a couple of Comma.

Like wise Peacock.

Large White.

Small White.

Marbled White.

This is how the image was taken:

A slight deviation from the trail took us into the adjoining BBOWT reserve: Bernwood Meadows.

Bramble patches in the thick Blackthorn hedges played host to the tiny Purple Hairstreak, once we got our hand in we found fifteen in total.

Another friendly insect : Red-legged Shieldbug.

This Banded demoiselle round our visit off nicely, we may not have seen the Purple Emperors that we had expected to find, but the sheer numbers of Butterflies more tham made up for that.

Images Copyright : Don Stone/Stewart Dennis.

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