Flooded Meadows at Old Amersham

Sunday, September 22, 2019

17th September..... Surrounded by Stonechats.

Finished work early today & needed to make myself scarce, so thought I'd slope off to Ivinghoe Beacon for a couple of hours, with maybe an outside chance of finding yesterday's Wryneck, be a bit like finding a needle in a haystack. Several Meadow Pipits around; in 2 small flocks of 6 & 5 along with single birds c20 in total, same number of Goldfinches, a Buzzard with a very white tail caused a bit of excitement, looking almost like a white rump, 3 Kestrels hunted over the Beacon summit, only saw a single Chiffchaff, 8 Swallows headed east together.
A single Stonechat flew over the path just below the Beacon, settling on a bush briefly, continued on joining a second bird in bushes surrounding an open grassy area, started flycatching, by now I had crept/crawled into the grassy area as a male appeared from behind the bushes, he never settled for long, seemed aware of my presence, where as the others just went about their business, by now I had 5 birds in view.


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