Flooded Meadows at Old Amersham

Friday, September 13, 2019

9th September..... Visual Migration.

The day began in the usual manner with the regular early morning gathering of about 50 House Martins above the house, only today the same number of Swallows joined them, both in two separate flocks with the Martins high up & the Swallows down below them at roof top height. Thirty minutes later 12 Swallows sat on nearby telephone wires.
Later in the morning at work with fine showers beginning to set in, we decided to pack up for the day, as we didn't want the rain ruining the paint work, as we did so a few Swallows started to pass through, thought I was onto something so began counting: in a ten minute spell from 11-40am 138 Swallows went straight through heading west  mostly at tree top height, with a few lower than that, along with thirty five House Martins at a higher level.
Two Yellow Wagtails remained with the cattle.

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