Flooded Meadows at Old Amersham

Sunday, September 1, 2019

26th August..... House Martins.

25 House Martins were on the roof this morning gleaning insects from the tiles, doing a spot of preening, in between short eruptive burst of flight. Constantly active, never settling for long, guess they're thinking about leaving us soon for their wintering grounds in Africa.

A lone Swallow joined them.

27th August: 9 Buzzards over The Lee together gaining height on a thermal, 'til 4 headed off south west, 2 south, the others remained, 6 Swallows flew through south. A late passage of Swifts over Lee Common: 3,2 & 3 singles heading south west in 15 minutes from 5-35pm.What I like to see visual migration, one of the wonders of nature.

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