Flooded Meadows at Old Amersham

Wednesday, September 4, 2019

1st September...... Yellow Wagtails & Wheatear.

A beautiful Sunday morning for a walk on this the first day of autumn, on the look out for passing migrants.
Close to Lee Common noticed swallows feeding around some grazing cattle and having a closer look found some passing migrants, a group of 8 plus yellow wagtails feeding at the cattle's feet, catching insects that the cattle had disturbed. Stewart.

Every September Yellow Wagtails can be found feeding amongst the cattle in the fields behind our house, the largest gathering being 30+ maybe 8 years back, with this in mind, Stewart & myself checked again in the afternoon, but drew a blank. We did come across c30 Swallows hawking insects close to the ground, with 10 House Martins above them, talking of House Martins, those feeding above our house at 7-30am, attracted a passing Swift to feed alongside them (the first I've seen as late as September).
On reaching the field at the end of the track a Wheatear sat survey for insects on the fence posts.
The hay bales making an excellent screen to photograph from, thanks Trevor.                                Don.
Images Copyright : Don Stone/Stewart Dennis.

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