Flooded Meadows at Old Amersham

Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Stand For The Trees : The Long March.

On a day when the sun shone, over a thousand like mind Eco-Rebels showed their concern for the natural world around us as they walked in procession for 5km from Denham Train Station to Blackford Pumping Station in the Colne Valley, snaking their way through Denham Country Park & Nature Reserve, which will very soon have it's heart ripped out, by the super fast destructive HS2 high speed train line, destroying this valuable tranquil spot on the edge of London forever & putting our water supply at risk in the process....
Egyptian Goose, contemplating the future....
Drummers limbering up.
...and from the distance they did appear, over a thousand strong.

Some times you have to make your voice heard...

Carnival Time....
Best viewed by hitting the full screen button in the corner.

Make your pledge to Stand For The Trees :

Wildlife Rebellion

Monday, December 30, 2019

30th December..... Red Admiral.

While passing the time of day with Simon in his garden, an unseasonal Red Admiral put in a brief appearance, alighting atop of the Laurel hedge, basking in the warm sunshine. Should have been hibernating away in a corner of a shed some where. Checked the thermometer in the garden : 13 degrees centigrade in the full sun, in a sheltered spot 15 degrees, no wonder the butterfly was out & about, probably thought Spring had arrived, just another example of Climate Change, a point that was put across well in the excellent updating of Worzel Gummidge by Mackenzie Crook, broad cast over Christmas. Not only that, but it was filmed on location in the local area.

Wildlife Rebellion 


Sunday, December 29, 2019

HS2 : Devastation & Destruction.

A few images from the top of The Haul Road at Great Missenden.

Roe Deer still hanging on around the perimeter, where as this time last year they could be seen bounding about out in the middle of the fields.

Images Copyright : Don Stone/Stewart Dennis/ Simon Murrell.

Tuesday, December 24, 2019

HS2 : Badgers.

Well it's another Sunday morning & for the fifth week in a row we find ourselves, yet again some how involving HS2 in our roamings, more of that later.
We started off with a wander around The Lee, where one local land owner has begun putting down seed for the Finches etc, with only a Robin & a single Chaffinch taking advantage as we passed by.
Further on at least 14 Yellowhammers, c20 Chaffinch, 8 Goldfinch & a lone Greenfinch continually returned to the hedgerow in between feeding forays out into the fields. 22 Redwings flew over, as a flock of 12 Meadow Pipits rose from the tussocky grass in their usual bouncy flight.The stubble fields held a few more Redwings, c20 Chaffinch, c10 Starling, 26 Skylarks which have been here for several weeks numbers always remaining constant & 95 Fieldfares now in their second week.
Fieldfares watching the stubble.
Then it was onto HS2 & checking on Badgers again, this time a sett that has been undisturbed so far, but it's close to the line so expect it's fate is sealed. Will end up like ones we've come across before, blocked & covered in netting. HS2 have a thing about netting.
Plenty of activity here.
Discarded bedding material.
Talking of latrines, our local Tawny Owls seem to be spending a lot of the night perched low down in the trees, judging by the concentration of the splatter on the branches & the ground below.
Stewart's just texted to say, he's had an early Christmas present : a Weasel in his garden, just outside the window.
Had an early present here as well, 3 male Bullfinches on the feeder together, that's a first, accompanying a single female.
Images Copyright : Don Stone/Stewart Dennis.

Saturday, December 21, 2019

Stand For The Trees Walk, meet at Denham Station or Country Park.


Joe Strummer Remembered.

Sadly passed away this day, 22nd December 2002 in his home in Broomfield Somerset at the age of 50. His song writing with The Clash inspired a generation, with their direct style, attitude & powerful live performances.
Two shows always remain....
Stuck in my brain.
5th January 1980 at Friars Aylesbury, first night of the Sixteen Tons tour, which turned out to be something of a double head liner with Ian Dury & The Blockheads turning up as surprise guests at the last minute.
19th October 1981 at The Lyceum Ballroom, on the Radio Clash Tour, by now they were really on top of their game, played a set that lasted for two & half hours. Performed a seven night residency at the venue, with a two night break, on one of those nights (Saturday) where should they turn up at.... in the bar at Friars, walking straight towards me!! to catch a show by reggae singer Gregory Isaacs. Inspiring Times, stirring stuff.

                   The Clash on stage at Friars Aylesbury.

If Music Could Talk.

Images Copyright : Don Stone.

Friday, December 20, 2019

Got my eyes on you HS2.

We went out several times this week, just checking a few sites.
Picked up this Badger cub skull at a sett.
Joined up with Alan & Dolly (still in recovery mode), becoming a familiar sight : the welcome watchful eyes.
One of the many not so welcome sinister yellow stripped vans creeping along
our country lanes, must be costing a fortune & all that unnecessary carbon pollution.