Flooded Meadows at Old Amersham

Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Stand For The Trees : The Long March.

On a day when the sun shone, over a thousand like mind Eco-Rebels showed their concern for the natural world around us as they walked in procession for 5km from Denham Train Station to Blackford Pumping Station in the Colne Valley, snaking their way through Denham Country Park & Nature Reserve, which will very soon have it's heart ripped out, by the super fast destructive HS2 high speed train line, destroying this valuable tranquil spot on the edge of London forever & putting our water supply at risk in the process....
Egyptian Goose, contemplating the future....
Drummers limbering up.
...and from the distance they did appear, over a thousand strong.

Some times you have to make your voice heard...

Carnival Time....
Best viewed by hitting the full screen button in the corner.

Make your pledge to Stand For The Trees :

Wildlife Rebellion

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